The GraphQL Test

How are your GraphQL skills?

This is a simple test designed to evaluate your GraphQL skills. GraphQL is a key technology here at Vertalo and one that we make heavy use of. We expect candidates that we consider to have real-world, professional experience with GraphQL (or have a firm grasp of it through their own side-projects). So with that, on to the test…

Using the following info:

…do the following:

  1. Fetch the GraphQL schema at this endpoint, including types, fields and arguments. (If you’re accustomed to the GraphiQL interactive interface, no such luck here…)
  2. Using your new found knowledge of the schema, fetch a secret code.
  3. Using the secret code from step #2 and with your knowledge of the schema, fetch a special Vertalo email address.
  4. Using the email address from step #3, send us an email that includes the query you used to fetch the schema along with the result, either directly in the email or as an attachment.

Good luck! You’re on the honor system!

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See also